My Home at Tampines in Singapore

I've been staying in Tampines since I was a few months old. Thus, I hope to buy a BTO flat in Tampines. However as Tampines is a mature estate in Singapore, singles are not allowed to purchase BTO flat. Singles can only buy resale flat in mature estates. 

Lately I applied for a Punggol BTO flat with a sea view but I could not get it due to overwhelming response. Frankly speaking, I don't want to buy resale flat. But if I want to stay in Tampines, I might have to apply for a resale flat. 

I hope there is a change in policy. To allow singles to purchase HDB BTO flats in mature estates or give priority to the singles who have been staying in the mature estates for more than 30 years. 

In Tampines, I like the Tampines Central Park. I used to go to the Watermelon playground when I was young. Tampines is like a mini Orchard road with 3 shopping malls in Tampines central. If I were to change residence to other non-mature estate, I will miss Tampines. 

 Tampines Central Park is well-managed.
 I don't like current new playground. It emits funny smell when weather is hot. In the past, the ground was filled with sand. 
 Provision shop at void deck.
 Now there is a place for dogs to have fun.

 There is art sculpture Mother and Child by Dr Ng Eng Teng. Is he related to Dr Ng Eng Heng?

 Tampines Hub where you have almost everything! 24-hour supermarket, swimming pool, library, sports complex, outdoor movie theatre and shopping mall.
 There used to be a small swing but now it is replaced with metal frame and two seats. Maybe some swung too high and hit the other side of the Watermelon.


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