Singapore's late former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew Conferred a Reform Friendship Medal by China

This week, Singapore's late former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew was conferred a Reformed Friendship Medal by China for his role in China reform. Without Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his team like Dr Goh Keng Swee, Mr Lim Kim San and many others like hardworking Singaporeans, Singapore would not be able to transform from third world to first world country within a short period of time.

In recent Taiwan elections, I was shocked to see politicians especially those Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) accusing and smearing their opponents of corruptions without evidence, and got away with it. I realised that it is important to sue if someone purposely slander and accuse you. Mr Lee Kuan Yew was right to sue those who slander and accuse him and spread fake news about him. So the way to stop fake news is to sue those who spread fake news. 

Its not right that many of those scheming DPP candidates get away with their accusation on Mr Han Kuo-yu. Many DPP candidates flocked to accuse him of corruption, selling Taiwan, inappropriate relationship and so on.  After one year of checking the account in his former role as a general manager of Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation, they found no evidence of corruption. DPP should apologise.

In this video, Mr Lee Kuan Yew clever reply to Chris Patten. ( from 20 secs). Democracy is not for all countries. Many middle-east countries are now in mess now with western interference. Some countries do need strong leader to manage the country. 


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