Han Kuo-yu, A Caring and Humorous Leader in Taiwan

I know this post is not about Singapore, but I'm too lazy to set up another blog and to me Taiwan is like my second home. 

Recently I watched the interview of the newly elected Mayor of Kaohsiung, Mr Han Kuo-yu 韓國瑜. I have to admit, I'm now his fan after watching his interview. He is witty, humorous and caring leader who genuinely care for his staff and people. He rewarded his staff with generous bonus during his tenure as a general manager of Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation. Most bosses will reward themselves with huge bonus instead. I hope Kuomintang (KMT) or Nationalist party value this talent even though he is very vocal and blunt and not part of their 'elite clique'.

Even though I already went to Taiwan several times since 2008 for holiday, next year I will go to Taipei and Kaohsiung again. During the trip, I will visit Buddhist temples in both Taipei and Kaohsiung and explore the buzzing night markets. Most probably I'll travel solo so I have to do more research on Kaohsiung since it be my first solo trip there. I just hope it be safe to travel for solo female travellers. When Democratic Progress Party won the election, I stop visiting Taiwan. Next year, 2019 I will definitely go to Taiwan.   

DPP has really mismanaged Kaohsiung. I believer there be lesser potholes by next year.


Its quite fun to attend the rally in Taiwan.
Night before election in Taiwan is very exciting. There are performances and speeches in this 4 hours 50 mins event.


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