Fukushima Radioactive Water To Be Released on 24 August 2023

So they are releasing radioactive water tomorrow. I will avoid seafood from Japan and Japanese restaurant. Who knows what is the long term impact on health. Hong Kong will be banning seafood from Japan. To be honest, I don't trust politicians who never teach their youth their history on the atrocities they committed in ww2. What does it imply? It means they are not remorseful and they think they are right. Germans have the courage to teach their people the Nazi atrocities against the Jewish people. They only focus on the hiroshima and nagasaki atomic bombs dropped by their current ally. Maybe USA should show their support to their ally Japan by importing seafood from Japan. Actions speak louder than words.

It is really ridiculous to continue to use nuclear power reactors knowing the massive radioactive waste created and it is poisoning the sea on this planet. What is frustrating is they want to pour radioactive water to the sea for the next 30 years.

From the Straits Times : "Greenpeace said on Tuesday that the technology used to filter the water is flawed and that the IAEA “completely ignored the highly radioactive fuel debris that melted down which continues every day to contaminate groundwater”.

“(Releasing) this into the sea will impact the whole planet. Japan would intentionally be spreading radioactive elements,” Fukushima resident Yukio Kanno said at a recent Greenpeace-organised protest."

Click here to read more. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/what-we-know-about-fukushimas-water-release.

Perhaps you want to read the impact of radiation from BBC website here.



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