Feng Shui Talk by Master Xie Yuan Jin at Popular BookFest 2018 謝沅瑾老師

BookFest at Suntec Singapore is one event I look forward to every year. Held in December at Suntec city annually, you get to enjoy stationery, gadgets and IT, books, music and titbits at good discount. Besides shopping for the above items, you also get to enjoy other events like sharing by authors. 

In 2013, I attended a talk by Taiwan famous director and author, Giddens Ko 九把刀 。 This year, I attended a talk by famous Fengshui master from Taiwan, Master Xie Yuan Jin 謝沅瑾老師. After the one hour talk, he signed autographs for his fans. I learned some basic fengshui. If you want to learn more about Fengshui, you can watch Fengshui show he is involved in as shown below. There is a Chinese saying, 福人居福地 福地福人居. Blessed people live in blessed area and vice versa. To be a blessed person, just do more good deeds. 

Today is the last day for BookFest (end at 10pm) by the way. Next year, I hope Giddens Ko can give a talk again in Singapore BookFest. 

Nearest MRTs: Cityhall and Esplanade MRT stations

 Autograph session


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