Inspiring and Humorous Dhamma Talk by Venerable Chao Khun Keng

Yesterday I met my ex-colleague for lunch and he shared with me a very interesting and inspiring video on a Dharma talk by Venerable Chao Khun Keng. I enjoyed the talk with him as we had a good discussion on Buddhism. Normally I share what I learned on Buddhism on my Buddhism blog. But since Venerable Chao Khun Keng is a Singaporean, I decided to share in this blog. 

Known as Phra Ajaan Keng, Chao Khun Keng is the first Singaporean ordained in the Thai Buddhist tradition and was conferred the ecclesiastical title of Chao Khun by the King of Thailand. I enjoyed and learned a lot from his interesting talk. 

He is a humorous and engaging speaker and like typical Singapore, he uses mostly English with a mixture of Mandarin, Singlish and Hokkien (common Chinese dialect from the China Fujian province). He shared what he saw during his meditation and he  why he has no doubt on the transference of merit.

I highly recommend that you listen to his talk as shared in the video below. I agree with him on the importance of meditation and not just read the sutras. I experienced the bliss of rapture joy during meditation and it made me realised one does not need much in life to be happy. Now I am happy sharing what I learned from the dharma talks by Venerable monks who shared on  Buddha's teaching. Buddha had selflessly spent more than 45 years on teaching the Dharma more than 2500 years ago. 

I hope Venerable Chao Khun Keng is in Singapore and will conduct some more talks. I have some questions to ask him. 

Some quotes from this video by Chao Khun Keng.

When you meditate, then you can direct your mind from a very chaotic state and enter concentration. That is real. Enjoy the bliss of concentration.

With this support of concentration, are you able to see the truth of this five Skandhas your body, your feeling, your perception, your analytical mind and this consciousness? To say that this is not self, this is suffering if you are attached to it. And this is no self. Its not going to live forever.

Buddha always say We are our owner of our own action, heir of our actions, born of our action, related to action. Whatever we do for good or for bad, we must bear. 

Its from your practise of meditation that you see through the eyes of the mind, the wisdom that arises from meditation.

From another video: The highest happiness is the calm state of mind.


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