Dinner at Elemen Restaurant Truffle-licious

This Monday, 10 October, VDS is finally lifted and I went for my first dining out dinner at Elemen restaurant to try the latest Truffle-licious 8-course dinner at Millenia Walk. I was looking forward to enjoy a good meal finally after buying take-away food. 

Appetiser Trio of black truffle with mini wheatgrass crepe of turnip, truffle gyoza and crispy pani puri was served at 6 pm and the dessert orange madeleine with truffle gelato. served at 7.35 pm. I actually spent 1 hour and 35 minutes waiting and eating. I looked at the restaurant and there were some empty tables. Ironically on weekends, service was prompt. 

I don't mind waiting if the food quality is good. I was disappointed with the cold and soft fried popiah skin that comes with the truffle collagen soup. Last year, I really enjoyed dipping the hot and crispy popiah skin to the piping hot soup at the Habourfront Centre. I prefer last year dessert. I'm not impressed with the rather coarse orange madeleine and I find truffle gelato taste rather weird. 

I think just trying this truffle-licious set once is sufficient for me. The signature dish is their truffle pizza and it is a must try pizza with crispy think base. 

Click here for 2021 Truffle-licious post.
Black truffle carbonara Tagliatelle. I don't see any egg yolk.





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