Musings by George Yeo

I rarely go out on Saturday as I normally spend the weekend resting and reading at home. But today I decided to go to bookshop as I wanted to buy and get George Yeo's autograph. I didn't get to hear his sharing as I arrived late. I stayed at home with my mum until my brother reached home. 

Anyway, I managed to see George Yeo and he signed on the book which I purchased later. 

Yesterday I already read a few chapters of his latest book, Musing. George Yeo, our former Minister of Foreign Affairs is like the modern scholar who is well-versed in the history and cultures of different countries. I really enjoy reading his insights and learning about history. He is also Teochew nang and he shared about Teochew region and his family in his book. He also shared about various challenges in implementing policies. This book is also filled with coloured photos. 

I'm quite happy with today purchase. 😄



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