Latest Spanish Theme at Flower Dome Gardens by the Bay

From 1 October to 30 October, be dazzled by the latest Spanish garden blooms like sunflowers and petunias at flower dome, Gardens by the Bay. 

I decided to go to flower dome today to recharge my energy after spending much time on admin work ( not my favourite task but necessary). I prefer to spend more time on the creative aspect. 
Indeed, I felt so much better and happier after looking at the vibrant and colourful blooms in the sheltered cooling flower dome. I spent some time smelling the sweet nectar daisy flowers. I love plants and flowers as they brightened up my mood and energy. 
To my surprise, there were many tourists this late afternoon. There are more visitors now compared to last month. Maybe I should visit in the morning when there are lesser people.

You can click Gardens by the bay website here to read more on the current Spanish theme which is a collaboration with the Embassy of Spain and the Spain Tourism Board.


Petunias are of South American origin, and are one of the most popular garden flowers, often found in flower beds, hanging baskets, containers and pots. They are prolific bloomers and come in just about every colour except true blue.


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