Ajahn Keng: Dhamma at The Museum

Ajahn Keng is a forest monk who gives very interesting dhamma talk around the world. I hope he be back to Singapore soon in November and December to give dhamma talks. 

In this video, he shares really interesting insights. He shared about cremation in open air overseas but many people dare not watch the cremation. Only the monks watched. This process makes you reflect on your life. The nature of life. The body after cremation just turn to dust floating in the air, back to nature. At one with nature.

As I think about it, it makes me reflect. This body of mine doesn't last forever. One day I have to say goodbye to it. I don't even own this temporary body. Who am I to own other? As I ponder about this, I just let go and not get so attached to people or things. This is not easy and needs lots of reminder.

I think I will go for the 8 precepts during the holidays. My friend has been asking me to attend the 8 precepts at the temple several times.

I will update this post later this week when I'm free. Meanwhile, do watch this interesting Dhamma talk.

Cherish your life. Do good with this precious life.

If you like to read about Buddha's teaching, you can visit my other blog on Buddhism here.


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