Concern of Rising Coronavirus Cases in Singapore

It is worrying to see a spike of 287 infected coronavirus cases two days ago and yesterday an increase of 198 new infected cases in Singapore, a city state. 

If this continue, I doubt one month lockdown is sufficient to stem the spread of coronavirus in Singapore considering the fact that the government was late in implementing the lockdown when there were about 1000 infected cases in densely populated Singapore. It could take 2 to 3 months instead to see flat curve. 

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had swiftly started lockdown on 25 March 2020 when there were 205 infected coronavirus cases.

In Singapore, there are many cases that they could not trace. High probability these people were infected in the crowded public transports in buses and MRT before the lockdown. 

I was wondering which scientific experts Singapore government was listening to which caused widespread virus outbreak in Singapore. I was wondering why education minister Mr Ong Ye Kung resisted closing schools despite earlier report by Chinese health officers on Coronavirus spread by asymptomatic person published in Scientific Amercan earlier on 31 January 2020 here.

It is disconcerting to see the lapse and slow judgement by our government. Are they still going to heed Dr Dale Fisher's advice to manage coronavirus cases? Why didn't they take precaution and heed health officers from China who has flatten the curve yet choose to trust other foreign "expert". Or is it because they chose to listen to what they want to listen to, thus they chose to listen to Dr Dale Fisher's recommendation? I see the danger of our ministers surrounded by "yes" men. 

I think they ought to apologise to Singaporeans for their slow response and lack of judgement which has now caused rising infected coronavirus cases. A true leader should have the courage to admit their mistake , move on and improve the situation. 
Saw this interesting picture from a Facebook post.
This video was shared on 25 January 2020.


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