What Are You Doing During Circuit Breaker?

What are you doing now during circuit breaker or partial lockdown in Singapore?

With the implementation of circuit breaker, I now work at home. It helps me to save about 2 hours of travelling time via public transport to and back from my workplace and also 30 mins preparation time for work.

I also don't meet my cousins or friends on weekend and public holidays as it is crucial to stay at home with the outbreak of coronavirus in Singapore with 287 cases spike in a day yesterday. Now there are 1910 infected cases in Singapore in densely populated city state of about 5.8 millions people within 721.5 km land.

For weekend, I will spend time reading the magazines and books that I brought but was too busy to read. I will also engage in drawing, painting and glass stone craft. 

Maybe it's a good time for you to find out what you really want to do in life with the time you have.

 Brought acrylic painting and glass stone magnet a few weeks ago.
Reading some of my favourite magazines 


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