How to Identify a Jerk from His Bazi 八字

The Chinese entertainment is recently buzzing with news of singer Show Lo promiscuous lifestyle as shared by his ex-girlfriend of 9 years. His ex-girlfriend Grace Chow said that he is incorrigible and it's just his innate nature to cheat. I was curious and remember a Bazi master talking about bazi of guys with strong sexual desire. I decided to find out why he is not happy with a girlfriend. 

From wikipedia, Show Lo date of birth is 30 July 1979. I input his date of birth to Bazi calculator from here and this is what it show. I don't have his time of birth, so it only generate 3 pillars with liuzi 六字 instead of bazi 八字. 
Wow, he is a Strong earth day master. Its not a balance chart. 

A balance chart should have the 5 elements ideally (wood, water, earth, fire and metal). What is worse is his decade luck pillar is Ding Mao (fire rabbit). This is the year of Zi (rat). Zi-mao is one of the penalties normally relating to love affairs. He should listen to the white dragon master who had warned him to stay away from women.

I like learning Bazi from Ken Lai. In one of his posts on Bazi: Secret Dating Guide for Women, he shared that one of the 7 Bazi undesirable characteristics of male partner, is strong earth. Before you dump this type of guy, observe him first. If he cheat, just dump him. 

From Ken's Cyber Cave.

7.  DM with strong fire and hot earth 
This means a chart with mostly fire and hot earth (wei- and xu-earth).  DM has strong urge and hyperactive sexual desire that "normal" marital life may not satisfy his demands (and goes for extra-marital sex).  Generally speaking, people born in summer months of si, wu and wei have strong fire and earth in their charts.   

If your man hits one of the above, you may not need to dump him.  But if he hits 3+ of the above, consider yourself lucky for reading this post (and run away from the guy fast).  But you may want to consult a Bazi reader and take a Bazi course before dumping a guy.

We should not support male singer who treats women like toys. Period.

Wow, just looking at the day, month and year pillars, Show Lo already has 5 earth elements! 

Sometimes it better to be single than to be cheated by promiscuous man.


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