Sudden Spike of Coronavirus Cases in Singapore

I had a rude shock this morning when I read that yesterday, Singapore had a record spike of 728 infected coronavirus cases, most of whom are migrant workers who stay in dormitories.

Shock turns to anger. I'm frustrated with the government reactive response. I notice that there are many pap internet brigades putting down on concerned citizens rational demand for accountability calling them kpkb, which is not helpful at all.

Mind you, I'm not pro-opposition. Last election, I voted for the current ruling government. I think its high time Singapore government listen to citizens' concerns and not 'yes' men surrounding them who are like the eunuchs of earlier Chinese dynasties cheering for them even when they are doing wrong. Which just lead to the many downfalls of earlier Chinese emperors. You need to listen to Singaporeans who are frustrated with the latest rising infected cases in Singapore. 

There was no strict implementation of social distancing enforcement in public transport. It made people feel that there was no consistency in implementing social distancing and they just introduced it for the sake of it.

Why are you still allowing runners running in the street without wearing masks? What if the runners themselves have coronavirus and unknowingly spread to others?

Straits Times writer did not add one more weakest link in today report. Many foreign workers travel in Singapore public transports via the MRT or/and buses. What if they had unknowingly spread the virus to the locals who are not yet tested for coronavirus? 

I'm concerned that Singapore army camps are used for foreign workers accommodation for now. Is it safe?

Why did they not listen to China's healthcare experts sharing that the virus could be spread by air and by asymptomatic people? Just think for a moment, a person who has common flu can spread to others by sneezing. What make you think coronavirus which is more lethal than flu can't spread via airborne transmission?   

Several concerned activists for the foreign workers had already raised concerns about their living conditions before the spike in coronavirus cases. Why didn't the Ministry of Manpower take action? Medical bills for migrant workers should be paid for by the dormitories owners and not paid for by public funds. 

The government had spent money on campaign videos to discourage Singaporeans from wearing masks if they are well and put down people who wear mask as ignorant and kiasi (scare to die). That is their strategy: To put down others who disagree with them.

My concern now is can our hospitals and healthcare staff cope with the rise of infected coronavirus cases? Thinking of the rising cases made me nauseous. It is not practical to separate rising infected cases to migrant and local cases separately since they be using only Singapore medical facilities and need local healthcare staff to take care of them. 

Report stated that there are more infected cases as there are more coronavirus testing for foreign workers. Have they conducted more testing for Singaporeans who might have the virus? Maybe they should conduct more tests for Singaporeans, many who could be asymptomatic

If this continue, I doubt one month lockdown is sufficient to stem the spread of coronavirus in Singapore considering the fact that the government was late in implementing the lockdown when there were about 1000 infected cases in densely populated Singapore. I think now it could take 5 to 6 months instead to see flat curve. New Zealand started to lock down the country when there were 150 cases.

I was wondering which healthcare experts Singapore government was listening to which caused widespread virus outbreak in Singapore. I was wondering why education minister resisted closing schools despite earlier report by Chinese health officers that Coronavirus can spread by asymptomatic person published in Scientific Amercan earlier on 31 January 2020 here.

You don't wait for the number to rise then you lock down. Its always better to be safe than sorry. 

I think it is not helpful to separate the infected cases to 2 different categories as in migrant and Singaporean. They must start to investigate where did the migrants go to and who they were in contact with. For example did they meet any local volunteers and counsellor. Which public transport route did they travel?

A true leader should have the courage to admit their mistake , move on and improve the situation. There should also be accountability. 


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