Unbearably Hot Weather!

This week I'm really frustrated. Weather has been unbearably hot and colleagues did not read my email and just replied to me asking unnecessary question. They always say when you are angry, you better don't reply so I didn't reply (unless I'm comfortable with them). They just made my blood boil in this scorching hot weather! Just went to see doctor this week and realised that my blood pressure has also increased. I have to cut down on oily food and also try not to be angry. 

For the first time in my life, I'm thinking of installing air-conditioner. Maybe if I get a new flat of my own then I install air-conditioner. I be trying to get a new flat by myself in May again. Wish me luck. Hopefully I get it and I will design it with pastel colour and light wood with at least three bookshelves and art. 


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