Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! It is really not easy being a mother especially working mum. I really don't know how working mums manage. I feel so tired after a day work and will go for afternoon nap but working mum needs to look after their child after work. 

Before childbirth, women need to carry the foetus for nine months and suffer from morning sickness. After delivery, they have to take care of babies for almost 24 hours a day. Really hat off to them. 

My mum used to be a seamstress. After delivering my elder brother, she chose to stay at home to take care of the family. I appreciate because I always look forward to going home to eat lunch cook by my mother who is an excellent cook. 

It is affinity to have children. I read somewhere that children choose their parents. Love and value your mother because they carried you for 9 months and especially if they took care of you when you were babies.  

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! 祝母亲节快乐!
Image from Ah Guo
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