Age is Just a Number

I don't often buy Her World (HW) magazine. Last year, I only brought 1 HW magazine. This Friday, I decided to buy this month HW magazine as I enjoy reading the interviews of 10 women from 20 plus to 86 years old. Haha, I don't feel so old after reading the articles. Actually I'm quite young at 41 years old. Now there is a saying that 40 is the new 30!

Sometimes I feel sad that age is catching up with me. At 41 years old, I have more white hair and wrinkle under the eyes. You can't reverse the aging process. Life is a cycle that we all have to go through. I think I will cut down on sugar and try to sleep early to delay aging. I read that sugar will make you older faster.  

Starting tomorrow, I will cut down on sugar and exercise more. Health is wealth. 


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