It's Time for Plant-based Diet

Looking at the current situation where countries are reducing export of food to  Singapore, I think it's high time we eat less meat. As a Buddhist but a naughty and rebellious one, I try to follow the kind and compassionate Buddha's teaching🙏. One thing for sure is I don't eat beef and lamb. Sometimes I eat seafood but I plan to stop soon. 

Buddha had taught us to be more compassionate and be kind to all sentient beings including the animals on this planet earth. However humans, due to craving and greed had cruelly slaughter animals for food, leather and fur. In some documentary, it showed the animals tearing and struggling before their demise. Animals in farm are kept on antibiotic diet as the living conditions are horrendous and dirty. Indirectly, humans are consuming these antibiotics fed to the animals.

I strongly encourage you to watch the following video that recommends top 10 documentaries to make you rethink meat and why we should adopt a plant-based diet. It also feature many weightlifters and sportsmen who adopt plant-based diet yet they are still so strong and fit.

I also dislike animal leather and fur products. Animals fur were forcibly tore from their body while they were still alive. Its time human be kind to animals and eat less meat. I feel guilty when I eat meat. Now I will eat more vegetables and not buy meat. 
Interesting sharing by Moby on why he became a vegan. He shared a story of how a dog cared for the kitten.


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