Looking Forward to Holidays!

Finally met my two young cousins last Sunday to catch up. I had been very busy with work and attended three courses concurrently of which two courses are for work and another art course on weekend for my hobby. The HR staff only informed me of the required work course after I already signed up for the art course using the SkillsFuture. I didn't want to attend but HR said it was compulsory to attend that one course and I didn't want to stop another course halfway as I had to take it next year. I really don't like to do things halfway. 

Finally completed one course for work last week and the 10-session art short course will be ending this Saturday finally! But I will spend more time on art as I love art and design.  I think I will learn from youtube and art books to save time on transport. I have to spend two hours on travelling. I have no regret in signing up for the art course at Lasalle College of Art as it's like fulfilling one of my dreams to attend art school and I learnt something new and interesting from my teacher and course mates who are really creative. One lady who is in her 60s is still passionate in learning art and she has been attending various art short courses at Lasalle College of Art. I think senior citizens enjoy discounted rate for the courses.  

I'm looking forward to the holidays and I be catching up with my friends, cousin and ex-colleagues who treated me well. I'm also planting another tree in June. Also had to complete some work because next term will be a very busy period. 

I like this song Holiday by Madonna.



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