Tested Covid-Positive Today

I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. Sad 😔 because I still spend this year Valentine day alone again. Happy😊 because I don't have to take booster vaccination for now. I didn't purposely infect myself with covid just to avoid booster hor🙄. At most, I don't go to shopping malls and just do online shopping at home. I think I got it at home. Now all my family members have covid.

Hopefully I don't have to take booster when this pandemic ends this year. I'm really frustrated😡 with the constant vaccination. When I first took the vaccination, I didn't expect continuous vaccination. I thought it would be like primary school vaccination. You just take the vaccination once and that's it. The second last vaccination I took was in late April 2021. My concern is the health ministry lacks the data of impact of injecting boosters as this is only implemented recently and lack thorough information. If you look at history, pandemic don't last forever. The spanish flu took about 2 years to end and the Sars less than a year.   

This Friday night, my mum told me that my father is unwell with fever and cough. My family all took booster vaccination except for me as I feel that I already compromised by taking two vaccinations and I refused to take any more booster. It seems like only Israel and Singapore need 3 vaccinations to be fully vaccinated yet most countries recognised two vaccinations as fully vaccinated. I think our current health minister is not up for this job. He is not a trained doctor and he didn't prepare for the surge in covid cases causing long queues in hospitals and clinics.

Anyway, my full vaccination status will lapse tomorrow on 14 February. Today I am diagnosed with Covid at the clinic near my home. I asked my doctor if she will record my health status in the system. She affirmed it. She appeared tired and frustrated as there were many patients and she had to remind her staff not to take in any more patients as lunch time approached. 

Yesterday I sneezed all day as usual. I thought it was my sinus as usual as there will be a day of sneezing every week or every fortnight. Normally I can recover with rest. But this time is different as I feel feverish with slight headache. Today I took ART test and the T line appeared immediately when I poured the liquid to the test kit. I immediately went to see the doctor near my home, about 5 minutes walk from my flat. Many people were queuing to see doctor so I told the staff to call me back about 5 minutes before my turn during registration. If not I had to wait for one hour and a half to see doctor. I went back home to read newspapers first. 

Later I went back to the clinic and the doctor did ART test for me in her full protective gear. She gave me paracetamol and flu medicine. It is quite cheap if you see doctor as you only pay $10 for respiratory condition. But she charged me very high for pimple cream and consultation at $30. No choice I just had to pay as the medicine she recommends is normally effective though I don't really like her attitude sometimes. Anyway there is no need to do PCR test if ART is positive. They only do PCR for free if your BMI is more than 35, above 70 years and if doctor deems as necessary. Anyway since my ART is positive, the doctor helped to update in the health system that I'm tested Covid positive. 

My Covid19 symptoms-Fever, headache and flu. I can still taste and smell tasty food. 

Did ART test at home first then went to clinic near my home as I feel feverish with headache and flu. 


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