Today Is All Yin 寅 Day

The hours have passed. Yin 寅 (tiger) hour which is defined from 3am to 5am is over. Anyone with monkey Shen 申 or Snake Si 巳 needs to be mindful of this day. I think I spend this day meditating later. Better be safe than sorry. 

I was reading local English newspapers aka The ST and was surprised when the writer commented that Chinese destiny reading does not take into consideration the time of birth. I was shocked by her ignorance. Sometimes they just published unsubstantiated articles. 

In fact both Bazi 八字 or 8 characters heavenly and earth branches from year, month, day and hour and also Zi Wei Dou Shu 紫微斗数 needs the time of birth for accurate destiny reading. The yearly astrology book is just one money-spinning tool for those Chinese astrologers. Take it with a pinch of salt since it only talk about your year of birth. A good destiny reader can be really accurate in predicting the future. But like what Liao Fan said, we have the ability to change our destiny but through a lot of effort by doing good without thinking of rewards. We have the free will to change. But if we are not mindful, we'll just be going through the force of our karma 业力. 

I once read that destiny reading is just like weather forecast. If you know it's going to rain, just bring an umbrella or just stay at home. I think it also depends on your karma if you are able to meet a good destiny reader who can be of real help to you. They are helping you with knowledge from heaven. 
People born on this day from 3am to 5am must be really smart with Eating God aplenty in their birth chart but must be careful in every monkey year or decade luck pillar. They only have 2 elements namely wood and water. It is not a balance chart. This day happens once every 60 years.

If a baby is born at such moment with 4 Water Tigers - he will be extremely weak water person with 4 Academic star. This is “ Follow the Intelligence” or “Follow the children” (從兒格)which is super intelligent and favourable elements are wood, fire, earth, even water is ok. Only Resources Metal is unfavourable.

FuHeng is a General in Qing Dynasty and is very close to Emperor Qianlong. He is known to be very intelligent but he died Young at age 48 as he got sick after fighting a war in Burma.
Above image is from From Raymond Lo's Facebook.

Liao Fan's Four lessons is based on a true story on how Mr Liao Fan changed his destiny during the Ming dynasty


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