Is Booster Vaccination Necessary?

Despite high vaccination rate in Singapore, we now have shocking 13046 new Covid cases yesterday. It is high time that the authorities start to question if having booster is effective. If it is not effective, it's high time to reflect and think of new strategy. Israel which is promoting booster vaccination is still suffering from high Covid daily cases.  Why are countries with citizens who are fully vaccinated seeing rises in Covid19 cases? 

I have many colleagues who are infected with Covid despite taking the booster shots. I also have another colleague who recovered from Covid even though he didn't take any vaccination. I believe it is because he is very health conscious who exercises and eats healthily, refraining from sugar. Previously MOH announced that those who passed on despite being fully vaccinated is due to underlying conditions. So it goes to show that even if you are fully vaccinated, it doesn't help if you have underlying conditions. Perhaps living a healthy lifestyle is crucial to overcome this virus and develops herd immunity. 

Athletes around the world reported of heart conditions/attacks after taking vaccination. Some Singaporeans also reported side effects like heart palpitations. The current vaccination does has an impact on the heart especially if you do strenuous exercises.

I think the current health minister OYK and the Ministry of Health are not managing the covid situation well. When covid situation has not stabilised earlier, he should not go to JJ Lim's concert. Those who are infected with Covid19 should just be given MC and not go to work and infect others. High hospitalisation rate is also draining the healthcare workers.  

Is there accountability for the recent passing of 103 years old lady? She was given 4th Covid19 jab. It's really irresponsible to blame her fatality due to underlying conditions. Which centenarian don't have underlying conditions? 

For me, I have compromised by taking two vaccinations already. I'm not taking the booster vaccination. Is Singapore going to depend on endless vaccination instead of natural herd immunity by taking care of our health and refraining from high sugar diet? I'm prepared not to go to the malls once my full vaccination lapses on 14 February. I can always buy things online and save more money by not eating at restaurants. I'm not going to take the never-ending booster. 


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