First Day of Chinese New Year

My Teochew family will eat half a day of vegetarian food till 12pm on the first day of Chinese New Year. Mum prepared sweet soup with red dates, ginkgo nuts, lotus seeds, longan and brown sugar. She also stir-fried some flat green beans, tau kee, cabbages with black moss and cashew nuts. 

This year as usual I will just stay at home and read books due to this covid pandemic. 

By the way, where can I give feedback that now I have a very inconsiderate neighbour above my floor doing noisy renovation on the first day of Chinese New Year, on a public holiday? I think they are not supposed to have noisy renovations on public holidays. Those noisy drilling is really annoying. 

Anyway on this first day of Chinese New Year, it's a brand new start. Don't be angry. Wishing all my readers a Joyous and Prosperous Chinese New Year 2022! 祝大家心想事成,虎虎生威, 龙腾虎跃 幸福安康 。

Stir fried vegetables prepared by my mum this morning. 
Sweet soup with lotus seeds, gingko nuts, longan, red dates and brown sugar this morning.

I'll spend the day reading magazines and some books. I like actress Xiang Yun.


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