Ushering the Auspicious Dragon Chinese New Year 2024

Finally the auspicious Dragon Chinese Lunar New year has arrived! I'm elated and look forward to the Chinese New Year celebration with my relatives. 

Today is a really productive and fulfilling day. After work, I went to Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple at Waterloo street to pray. After praying, I walked to the city area to recycle plastic bottles and had lunch. 

I did the final spring cleaning, laundry and final decoration at home. Cleaning the shelves is quite therapeutic, cleaning away the past and dust, and welcoming the new energy. In the evening, I had a sumptuous reunion at home with my family. 

The Dragon in Chinese culture is an emblem of power, good fortune and strength and it is usually a popular year to have babies. To all my relatives, friends and faithful kind readers, may you enjoy a prosperous and healthy Chinese New Year! 

Wood Dragon at Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome
Having reunion dinner at home. 
I like the fried crispy prawns prepared by my mum.

Prayed at Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple at Waterloo street today


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