Goodbye 2022. Hello 2023!

2022 was a rather sad year for me and my family. Two chinchillas who were part of our family passed on in June and November 2022 respectively. Especially Ah Ji who was with us for 12 long years since 2010 and Ah K since 2018. Whenever I reached home, I would greet him first. Now I have to stop myself from greeting him. Sometimes unconsciously I would blurt out his name due to greeting him for the past 12 years and my mum would be upset. We don't have any pet now. 

I'm still single but I did achieve my goal of going out for my first and only date last year. I went for one coffee date with a guy. At least there is no regret of no dating right?  That angel investor analyst guy is quite smart but he asked lots of questions. I was wondering if his mouth is tired from two hours of talking. I felt rather tired from talking to him and he is channel 5 (speaks English) but I'm channel 8 (speaks Mandarin). He has expensive branded bag but I'm frugal and has not brought any expensive bag despite working for more than 17 years. It's only recently that I brought a affordable "branded" bag as there was 50% discount and cost about $150.00 after discount. 

He did ask me for second date but I decided not to go and told him not to call me. To my dismay, he really listened. But now thinking about it, perhaps I should go for that second date. Don't know why now I'm thinking of him. I hope to look for someone who is like me who likes to stay at home to read. I also deleted that dating app because some guys are really clingy. Now I don't want to think about love already. It can be quite tiring and demoralising. 

2022 was also the year of Sentosa. In March, I went to experience Skyride and luge at Sentosa thanks to my cousin. I also experienced free cable car ride to Sentosa and went to Universal Studios thrice this year, thanks to my organisation.

I'm thankful to my friends and colleagues who helped me last year and for being understanding. Sometimes I can be quite difficult. I apologised if I had hurt you with my speech last year. 

In 2023, I will focus on acquiring more knowledge, sketching, painting and just enjoying life. 2023 is my indirect resource year. I will dine at home more and hopefully lose 8 kg this year. Maybe I will travel end of this year if covid situation improve. 

Happy New Year 2023 and may all your dreams come true.
2023 A Sparkling New Year by Ah Guo illustration


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