2023 Gui Mao 癸卯 Year

Next year is Gui Mao 癸卯 or water rabbit year based on Chinese zodiac. Wow another water year so stock market will not do so well like this year Water Tiger Ren Yin 壬寅  year. However there is a difference in the type of water. Ren is like the ocean, sea but Gui is like dews, mist, light rain

Mao is direct clash to You 酉 rooster. It is a 犯太岁 year or offend Taisui. Many forecasts give gloomy reading for people born in rooster years especially those born in spring month and they are ranked last in the 12 zodiacs next year. Already I can feel the effect after end of November with some unreasonable people nit- picking.  Done better than expected still want to question? Or they want to do worse than expected? Sometimes from the questions people asked, it's show they are not appreciative and just want to nit-pick. 

From Wikipedia, Tai Sui is a Chinese term for the stars directly opposite the planet Jupiter (木星 Mùxīng) during its roughly 12-year orbital cycle. I really respect ancient people be who can predict the events based on the planetary and stars orientation. However people who practised as astrologers mostly suffer from certain physical defects like Susan Miller or bad relationship. According to Susan Miller, astrology actually involve Mathematics in the calculation of planetary movement. Of course for high accuracy, the astrologer needs your birth time and place of birth. 

When Lee Kuan Yew was born, one bazi reader said that he had to travel over the seas before he can make it big in the photography book of Lee Kuan Yew. 

Normally when there is direct clash, there be changes. Already my wonderful and helpful colleagues who were born in the same year as me are leaving. Too much of a coincidence? Or should I go for early retirement? That's why it is important to save money. So you can enjoy early retirement. 

Those who are born in horse wu, rat zi, dragon Chen and rooster you years, month, day or hour generally must be more careful this year. Not all people who are of the above zodiacs are affected as the stem elements and bazi structure or combinations are different. You can read one of my favourite metaphysics readers here. And here.


Image from here.


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