Spring Cleaning Again

This month, I've started to clean my room as my favourite festival, Chinese New Year also known as Spring Festival 春节  is approaching next month, in 2023 January. 

It can be really fun to clean your own room. Wow, I feel quite accomplished to clean the right corner of my bedroom today. Just recently, I managed to clean the left corner of my bedroom and all windows. I prefer to clean my own room as it is also a good time to do stock taking of what I have and I don't like others to touch my things. While cleaning, I feel contented that I have what I need. 

I saw the free fan I received when I attended Jay Chou's concert in 2010. I also reread some of my favourite books when browsing. Just thought of sharing what I read from my favourite Fortune magazine that I brought in March 2005. I find what Warren Buffett said is timeless and his analysis is right. Warren Buffett shared, " You are right not because others agree with you, but because your facts are right. 

Long before the collapse of many cryptocurrency, Warren Buffett already shared that cryptocurrency has no intrinsic value and don't produce anything tangible and he never invest in it. The price only increases because others brought it anticipating that others would pay a higher price for it. Without regulation, it's just a platform for illegal activities and waste of energy. Glad that USA Justice department is investigating FTX former CEO and taking action to seek justice. Hopefully they could at least retrieve some money and return to the investors. 

This is the best Fortune copy in my opinion. I brought it in March 2005.

Warren Buffet, " You are right not because others agree with you, but because your facts are right. 

Found this concert fan I received when I attended Jay Chou's concert in July 2010, 12 years back!


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