五月天新加坡 Incredible Mayday Band Concert in Singapore

Finally! Had an incredible day yesterday at the long-awaited 五月天 Mayday Live concert at Singapore National Stadium. I met my youngest brother and his wife for dinner first but almost all eateries at Kallang wave had very long queue. Brought take-away dinner and sat at a corner to eat.

Definitely one of the best concerts I attended so far! Some concert like the one by Janet Jackson started late at around 8.20pm and it ended early and it was all over in about an hour and a half instead of the stated three hours. Thus I really appreciate artists like Mayday who always give their best to their audience. 

Mayday concert started at around 7.40 pm and ended at about 10.45 pm and all of us had great time singing to their popular timeless inspiring songs. Even though seats were available, we spent most of the time standing, dancing and singing with them. Yesterday we had early countdown to 2023 with 五月天. 

National Stadium which can seat up to 55000 people was almost filled up except at the back and the side of the stadium yesterday. I think there were about 40000 concertgoers at the concert. I love the happy vibe at the stadium yesterday. Finally after the pandemic, we could all finally enjoy the live concert with our favourite band! Mayday is the most generous band offering free online awesome concerts for the past three difficult covid years to all. For that, I decided to support them by buying the concert ticket this year! We were all delighted to see special guest Rene Liu Rou Ying singing.

Looking forward to their next concert in Singapore. Perhaps I could go to Taiwan for their concert!

You can read my earlier blog post on Mayday concert 2016 at Singapore Indoor Stadium here.
Heading to Singapore National Stadium at about 7pm yesterday.
Remember to pour away your drink as they don't allow you to bring food and drink to the stadium. But you can buy drink like bottled water and beer, ice-cream and hot-dog at the stadium.
The National Stadium is mostly sheltered except for the side.

At about 7pm waiting for the concert to start at 7.30pm.

While waiting, we watched Mayday music videos.

So many happy concertgoers! 

Free light stick! This is my second Mayday light stick!

Special guest Rene Liu Rou Ying 

All rushing to go home.


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