阎罗王 阎奕格 (Janice Yan)

A friend shared with me this song and it's a reminder to do what you need to do so that you don't regret what you didn't do. I'm glad I did ask that person so I don't waste my time unnecessary and can move on. I always tell my chinchilla Ah Ji that I love him and always indulge him with his favourite food dried cranberries and dried papaya. But it is still painful to lose him. I feel that I could do much more and kinda feel sad that I didn't buy new snack recently when the shop I went to didn't have the stock. 

This year is really challenging and I think next year too. This year I already lost two pets and last November a university friend. I'm now contemplating if I should take a break to travel or just rest. 

作词:黃偉文     作曲:陳文華、佳旺

不要说不吉利 祸福从来难预计

要送孩子 那个玩具
要带伴侣 游夏威夷
说了没做的事 难道你不恨自己
鼓起勇气 问他姓名
再把父母 白发梳理

我在今夜三更 会来找你
或许我心情好 会改期

不要骄傲 算过八字
灾星今年 找不上你
我也可以带走 你最爱的人代替
不要拖延 不要迟疑
有些美好 不会等你
改天去巴黎 谁知改天 没有巴黎

我在今夜三更 就来接你
如果我没心情 就改期
如果现在 要仓猝离去
你还想对谁说 我原谅你

爱神来得 出其不意
我爱杀个 措手不及
世间好事坏事 说来其实很相似
每天积极 活成末日
还是选择 坐以待毙
早该做的事别等我提 你才著急
你最好的诗何必带进 你坟墓里


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