Shopping at Enabling Village - The Art Faculty

After lunch at Professor Brawn, we went to the retail shop at Art Faculty where you can purchase art and merchandise designed by talents with autism and related challenges. There is also a cafe in collaboration with Starbucks and we saw a workshop conducted at the retail shop yesterday afternoon. 

My cousin likes the beads earring and brought a pair. I brought the pouch with marine animals and lanyard with lovely flowers with pink background.

If you are at the Enabling village, you can visit the Art Faculty to explore the unique art designs. The artists earn royalties for every sale of artwork and merchandise. 

Enabling Village

Nearest MRT: Redhill MRT station
It is just 8 minutes walk from Redhill MRT station. There is also free shuttle bus but I think walking is pretty good exercise. 

My cousin brought a pair of earring.

I like this pouch that features marine animals and brought one.

I love this pink lanyard with flower design.


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