Fun Art Workshop at MuzArt Singapore

My kind friend Teacher Pencil (I asked her if I post her name as Teacher P or her real name and she said Teacher Pencil) has kindly offered me complementary art lesson at her workplace MuzArt with her staff benefits. She said I could ask another person to join me.  I asked my cousin, M to join me for the short art workshop. We chose the resin mirror workshop which is a pretty simple and fun 1 hour and 30 minutes activity. 

I arrived early for the free workshop at MuzArt located at Jurong West Sports Centre. Alas, my cousin arrived late due to a misunderstanding with the private-hire driver. I started with the mirror resin first after waiting for about 25 minutes for her. 

The trainer for the resin mirror workshop, Teacher Toffee and Teacher Pencil were kind and offered to let my cousin do a simpler resin keychain instead.  'Thanks' to her, I also had the opportunity to make another keychain resin.😂 Anyway we were apologetic as their lunch break was shortened. Time flies fast when you are engrossed in the fun art activity.  

Please don't be late ok. Teachers really need the rest to recuperate and recharge for the next lesson

Teacher Pencil, thank you once again for the complementary workshop. Really appreciate this fun workshop 😍.

There are many MuzArt branches in Singapore. 

There are some art resources you can download here.

MuZArt website at

MuzArt is at ActiveSg Jurong West Sports Centre #02-01 to 04

Nearest MRT station: Pioneer MRT station. It is about 8 minutes walk from Pioneer MRT station.

I'm pretty happy with this fish keychain resin I completed at the resin workshop.
MuzArt workshop at Jurong West Stadium which is about 8 minutes walk from Pioneer MRT station.
Resin mirror workshop. These are the completed resin mirror samples.
I learned something new from the poster at MuzArt. 
Please follow the rules.

Singa the kindness lion said hello to us.
My friend gave me this Singa, the Kindness Lion doll.
You need to pour a small amount of UV LED resin (depends on the size of the item you want to pour) and mix it with colour powder of your choice. I realise you need to stir slowly else there be bubble on the surface later.
After pouring the UV LED resin on the object, you need to place the object under UV LED light dryer to make it dry faster.
I decided to put dry flowers for resin mirror.
Pour UV LED resin on the surface first. Then you place the stickers or flowers on top of the resin. Then pour another layer of resin.
Finished product. I think it can be improved. 
For resin keychain, I chose the fish as I'm a Pisces. 
I'm pretty happy with this fish keychain resin.
My cousin made these two. Nice colour marbling for the bottle.


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