Acrylic Painting and Mixed Media Art

Finally I completed the mixed media art course in early June. I like this course as I learnt watercolour, acrylic and mixed media art. Acrylic painting is quite fun with many different techniques but the paint dry very fast. I like watercolour as it can create dreamy translucent effect and it can be reactivated by water. 

I think I spend more time on art in September and December with all the art material I purchased last month. It is fun to experiment the different techniques to create different effects. 

This acrylic mixed media is still work in progress. Maybe I add details. I used various items like cotton bud, bottle, fork, stencil, cling wrap, newspapers and tape. 

Using different tools in acrylic painting. 

Using cling wrap to lighten the bright colour.
Paint brushes are not cheap and they are synthetic paint brushes. 


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