Hen and Rooster at Singapore Botanic Gardens

My friend and I had a wonderful day at the Botanic Gardens last Sunday. I will update the blog on the day trip later. For now I will just share the cute hen and rooster we saw. Haha we were happy to hear the loud crowing by the rooster. I thought rooster only crow in the morning but this rooster was crowing loudly at around 3.30 pm.

I felt that the rooster was encouraging me as I felt sad that the younger chinchilla pet had just passed on last week despite seeing two veterinarian and spending about $300.00 for medicine and consultation. Veterinarian suggested putting it down as it could not recover.

However we don't think it's right.  Before it left us, I gently patted it and prayed hoping that it will move on to better realm in human or heaven realm . He went to a corner and passed away peacefully. Even though as a Buddhist, I know that life is transient, it is still painful when my pet passed on as he is part of our family already. Now there is only one chinchilla, Ah J at home. Hopefully Ah K has moved on to better rebirth.  

This is how the Rooster crows.Crowing rooster at Singapore Botanic Gardens. You can only watch the video in webpage mode.


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