Tonight Dinner

I just had a simple dinner of honey yogurt with dragonfruit, honey pecan and some nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds. I also had a small piece of yam mooncake. I'm a typical Teochew who loves everything yam- Orh nee or yam paste and yam mooncake. I do hope my future spouse can cook yam paste for me, the not so sweet type for healthier option. 

I don't feel so well with menstrual cramp so I had afternoon nap after washing clothes and bag. 

I'm happy with what I done in the morning. Washing my clothes and also my bag. Today weather is great for drying clothes and bag with bright sunny day. 

Tomorrow I will clean my room and organise my bookshelves and desk. Time to clear my messy room.

I love the honey pecan from camel brand. 
I had a small piece of yam mooncake, Teochew style. 


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