Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival with the bright full moon hanging high up in the sky for all to admire its sheer beauty. 

I had one small orh nee yam paste mooncake and 2 slices of pomelo for dinner.  I also took the opportunity to take photo of the beautiful bright illuminous moon today. 
Bright full moon on 15th of lunar month. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.
Orh nee or yam paste mooncake is my favourite mooncake. I don't like baby yam as I find it a troublesome to eat. 
Had two slices of pomelo. 

I love this song 但愿人长久 by Faye Wong. The lyrics is actually from a Song Dynasty poem by the famous artist, poet and politician  Su Shi (8 January 1037 – 24 August 1101) popularly known as Su DongPo.  
苏轼 东坡

I took the translation from this blog here

但愿人长久 (Wish People for a Long Time(literal translation) or May People Live Long)

明月幾時有 when will there be a bright moon,
把酒問青天 raise my glass of wine and ask the clear sky.
不知天上宮闕 do not know in the heavenly palace,
今夕是何年 this evening is what year.
我欲乘風歸去 I wish to ride the wind back,
唯恐瓊樓玉宇 for fear that this jade palace,
高處不勝寒 high above is unbearably cold.
起舞弄清影   dancing with my quiet shadow,
何似在人間 how can it compare to the human world.
轉朱閣  rounds the red pavilion,
低綺戶 stoops beneath ornate doors,
照無眠 shines upon the sleepless.
不應有恨 should not bear a grudge,
何事長向別時圓 why is the moon full when we are apart?
人有悲歡離合 man has joy, sorrow, parting, reunion,*
月有陰晴圓缺 moon has overcast, clear, full, crescent,
此事古難全 these matters from old are difficult to complete.*
但願人長久 wish people for a long time,
千里共嬋娟  thousand miles distant together share the beautiful moon.


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