Healthy Meals

I'm feeling under the weather since Monday. I went for swab tests yesterday and was given 3 days MC.

The long pointed probe that went to my nose for swab test was really uncomfortable. I had to do 2 types of swab tests: one with long thin probe (Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)Test )  and another with shorter probe covered with cotton bud (Antigen Rapid Test (ART)).

 I don't want to do swab tests ever again! 

Today sneezing has stopped and fever dropped to 36.7 degrees Celsius. But I still have slight cough. I hope I can recover by tomorrow so I have been drinking lots of water. I'm worried I might need to do another swab test if cough persist. Not sure if it's because of the spicy mala noodles I had recently. I don't often have cough. But sinus issue is one problem I need to manage once or every 2 weeks. Thus I don't have air-conditioner in my bedroom as I have sensitive nose. 

I don't have appetite so I just had some vegetable soup for dinner today. I don't eat rice for dinner now. Yesterday dinner I had green bean soup and some fried beetroot and egg. Really thankful to my mother who has been cooking all these delicious and healthy food for me. 

Vegetable soup with hard boiled egg

Green bean soup for dinner yesterday
Beetroot vegetable and fried egg yesterday dinner

Kale vegetables and hard boiled egg yesterday lunch
 Vegetable soup for this Tuesday lunch


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