Mid-Autumn Festival Light-up at Chinatown Singapore

From now till 5th October, 880 m of Chinatown's streets are decorated with 900 lanterns including the beautiful 12 metres tall Chinese Goddess of the moon Chang-Er. This year Chang-Er lantern design is more beautiful compared to last year. To read more on this year Chinatown's Mid-Autumn Festival Light-up, click here.

Yesterday I went to Chinatown to view the Mid-Autumn light-up. The street was quiet and not crowded on Friday night perhaps due to the rising covid cases in Singapore. I hope appropriate and necessary actions can be implemented to stem the rise of covid cases in Singapore. The government needs to come up with feasible plan to cope with the rising covid cases. One death is simply too many.

Chang-Er, the legendary Chinese goddess of the Moon.

Streets are adorned with lanterns inspired from pomelo and mooncakes.

Lantern walkway sculpture outside Chinatown Point.

Honouring the wise

From the Straits Times 

SINGAPORE - Chinatown's Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations will kick off next Tuesday (Sept 7) with a virtual light-up and opening ceremony.

The light-up, which will be streamed on Chinatown Festivals' Facebook page, will see some 880m of Chinatown's streets lined with 900 lanterns till Oct 5.

Lanterns sculpted as mooncakes and jade rabbits will be hung along the stretch of road between Eu Tong Sen Street and New Bridge Road, while South Bridge Road will be decorated with lanterns styled as snow skin mooncakes.

This year's light-up takes the theme of reunion - in tribute to how Singaporeans have stood together to overcome the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The centre divider between Eu Tong Sen Street and North Bridge Road will feature scenes of a family reunion, which represent three values - honouring the wise, harmony and happiness.

The highlight of this year's lantern display is a towering 12m-tall centrepiece depicting Chang-E, the Chinese goddess of the moon, located opposite Chinatown Point.



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