Why I'm Eating Vegetarian Food

If there is one resolution I successfully made, that is I'm not eating meat now. My next resolution is to be vegan and that is not to take dairy products and eggs. 

When I saw video of animals like pigs and cows being brutally slaughtered, that its. I swore not to eat meat anymore. These helpless animals cried out in pain while workers relentlessly slaughtered them. 

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals PETA is doing a great job in raising awareness on how meats are mass produced through undercover expose. I believe with education on how meat are produced, there be more people swearing off meat. 

If you want to see how and where meat are produced, you can click PETA website on the suffering of pigs here. They also exposed other farms like cow and chicken. 

I like the free e-book by Earthling ed. 30 excuses e-book

Some people would say you lack nutrients and proteins. Actually it is healthier to get protein from plants as animals get their energy source from plants. From the food chain/web, plant is the only food producer. Thus to get maximum energy, just eat from the main food producer; plants. Also many Mahayana Buddhist monks (don't eat meat) from China and Taiwan like Master Sheng Yen lived to 79 years old, Venerable Master Chan Yun lived to a ripe old age of 93 years old and Venerable Master Meng Can lived to 103 years old, just by eating rice and plants only.  

I'm thankful that my mum is cooking more vegetables now because I'm not eating meat now and my cousin also brought vegetarian food for me.

If you cannot give up eating meat now, you can start by eating less meat. 

May all beings be free from suffering. 

What the Health documentary


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