Vegetarian Lunch Buffet at Lingzhi Vegetarian Restaurant

I was looking forward to my first vegetarian buffet! I must say it's quite worth a try. If any of you know of any vegetarian buffet, please share.

I went to Velocity@Novena Square Lingzhi vegetarian restaurant. I was delighted to see fried bee Hoon and curry vegetables. They are quite delicious and reminds me of the free fried bee Hoon and curry vegetables I had at the temple. 

We opted for tom yum and vegetable soup. Then we went to select various vegetables, dimsum. For dessert, I took walnut cream and almond cream which I enjoyed thoroughly. My cousin had almond jelly. We did not try the banana cake as we were too full. I'm most impressed with the delicious fresh yam. The yam literally melted in my mouth (after I put in the soup for a long time)! If you love yam, you must try it! 

I was delighted to see various vegetarian dishes like dim sum and rojak. It's quite challenging to find vegetarian dim sum and rojak. 

To view the lunch buffet menu, click here.
Adult pays $22.80++ on weekdays.
Lingzhi Vegetarian restaurant (part of TungLok restaurant)
Velocity@Novena Square
Buffet lunch: 11am to 3pm
There are a wide variety of vegetables!
 We liked the yam!
Vegetarian dim sum.
Vegetarian Rojak is tasty with crunchy pineapple and youtiao.
We loved this fried beehoon and had two servings each.

They also offer herbal and mushroom soup. But you need to pay additional $2.
There are different sauces available.
Chilled Beancurd with Mixed Fruits and banana cake.
Various types of mushroom!
For dim sum, I love their crisp-fried yam croquettes and vegetables croquettes.
Vegetables curry. I love the vegetables but the curry was diluted.

I took the egg noodle and cooked in tom yum soup.
I love the walnut and almond cream.


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