Vegetarian Food at Imperial Treasure Yi Dian Xin

Since starting on vegetarian diet, I rarely visit Imperial Treasure Yi Dian Xin at Raffles City shopping mall. I went there with my friend yesterday for lunch. 

I'm delighted to find this noodles with ginger and spring onions (not sure if I missed that earlier). This dry noodle is springy and doused with tasty sauce. It only costs $5.20. I also ordered deep fried crispy fungus spring roll ($4.20) which is also vegetarian. I'm happy to see more restaurants adding vegetarian dishes. Now there are more options for me when I want to eat at Raffles City shopping mall.  

My relatives asked why did I start to eat vegetarian food. There are several reasons. After reading Buddhist sutra and watching those videos on how the helpless animals were caged and abused for human meat consumption, I decided not to indulge in meat. Simply said, I do not want to see animals suffer for human desire for meat. Although there is a saying that eating less meat, reduce bad karma. For me, eating less meat is out of compassion for the helpless animals. 

I hope that as more people are aware of how these animals are treated, there be lesser demand and thus lesser supply which will ultimately lead to less suffering of animals. Last month, some of my ex-colleagues, said that plants are also living things and will also suffer. I retorted that human beings are also living things, classified under the mammals group, why aren't they eating it? They went quiet and could not retort. Plants are different from animals. They don't run or scream unlike the animals. Sometimes people like my ex-colleagues can give ridiculous reasons to justify their desire for meat. I respect their decision to meat meat. Well I used to eat meat especially seafood, but they should also respect other people decision to eat vegetarian food too. 
 Noodles with ginger and spring onion ($5.20)
 Deep fried crispy fungus spring roll. ($4.20)


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