Best Food in the World: Home-cooked Food

I tasted award-winning dishes in Singapore and you know what, nothing beats my mum's cooking. On my birthday,my mum cooked vermicelli noodle or mian xian. My mum is an amazing cook who can cook a wide variety of delicious food like fried bee hoon, pumpkin cake, popiah and many more. As for me, I can't cook as well as my mum. I can only cook carrot and tomato soup, pasta and instant noodles like chicken soup instant noodles and ramen dry. My brothers can cook much better than me and I only help them to eat their food. 
 Mian xian or vermicelli noodle lovingly cooked by my mum. I love this mian xian filled with my favourite dishes like salmon, egg tofu, fishball, egg and fried shallots.
My mum asked my father to buy me a birthday cake for me. I love chocolate cake.


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