Psychedelics Light Art: Future World Where Art Meets Science

Thanks to my cousin who took showed the i Light Marina Bay brochure, we enjoyed 50% discount to light art exhibition at Future World, a permanent exhibition at ArtScience Museum. Entrance fees for adult is $14 but by showing the brochure, we only paid $7 per person. 
There are 15 light art installations that are mostly interactive and react to human motion. In this exhibition, the mueseum collaborated with Tokyo-based teamLab that includes artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, architects and designers. The result is Future World – Singapore’s largest interactive digital playground.
ArtScience Museum
Nearest MRT: Bayfront MRT
Nature theme

100 Years Sea Animation Diorama. We sat on the floor and just watched the animated art on the screen.

The drawing you see on the screen are all coloured by kids! They must be proud to see their artwork on the screen with other kids. I'm quite impressed with this concept.

Kids scanning their coloured art work so that their artwork can be displayed on the screen.
Kids can choose the picture be it aeroplane or lorry  they want to colour.

Just playing with colored balls.
In the mystical land with elephants and horses.

Matrix of Light


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