Cherry Blossom in Singapore Flower Dome

From now till 27 March, you can enjoy cherry blossom in Singapore Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay. Last Friday my cousin and I went to Flower dome to see different types of blossoms like Cherry and Peach in a traditional japanese garden decor. Its the first time we had to queue inside the Flower dome to take photo at the Torii gate. Coincidentally, Prime Minister Lee was also at the Flower Dome for the SG50 appreciation dinner.

Its the first time there is Cherry blossom theme at Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome. I've never been to Japan so this is the best alternative for me. I didn't know there are so many different types of blossoms until the visit last Friday. 

Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome
From now till 27th March.
Time: 9am to 9pm
How to get there? 
Alight at Bayfront MRT
I used my Samsung Note 5 to capture these flowers. 
I love these delicate blossoms.
My cousin and I do have affinity with Prime Minister Lee. He was also at Gardens by the Bay for the event but no we didn't rush to take photo of him as we were too enthralled by the cherry blossoms.

I used my Samsung Note 5 to capture these flowers. 
I love these delicate blossoms.

A special blossom. Their petals are really big than the sakura.

Torii gate
Image from


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