Food Recommendation at Tampines Hub Hawker Centre

I'm known as the food connoisseur amongst my friends. They normally ask me to recommend delicious food and most of the time, they are happy with my recommendation. 

If you are at Tampines Hub hawker centre, I highly recommend the fried carrot cake at Boon Lay Ho Huat Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee stall. They actually received top 10 best fried rice award in Singapore. 

The nasi lemak at Ahjuma Econ Bee Hoon is also quite nice with fragrant coconut rice though they give very small portion. Teochew mee fishball noodle at Ming Fa fishball stall is also not bad.

Tampines Hub is just 5 to 10 minutes walk from Tampines bus interchange. 

Not many people dine in at the Tampines Hub hawker centre yesterday.

I highly recommend their fried carrot cake. I like both their white and black fried carrot cake. They received top 10 best fried rice in Singapore. 
This white fried carrot cake is generously coated with egg.
I love their black fried carrot cake too. It's a bit sweet for some. 

Hmm I think fried hokkien prawn mee can be better in terms of noodles texture and taste. 

If you like truffle, you might want to try this unique fried carrot cake with truffle. 

The stall owner used to be an engineer. He took over the family fried Hokkien mee business. 

I like this stall Ahjuma Econ Bee Hoon fragrant nasi lemak or coconut rice which is quite fragrant. But the rice portion is very small.
There are Chinese, Western, Korean, Japanese, Indian and Malay food choices at Tampines Hub. 


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