Spice Up Your Life

Sharing good news with all singles! You can sign up for $100.00 sparks credit to offset up to 50% of course or events fees. Recently I received update that I have $100.00 credit Sparks Connection which allows singles to use the credits to participate in events to meet other singles too. I realised I didn't use the $100.00 spark credits for the past three years. 

I think it's time to spice up my life and not stay at home on weekends during the November and December school holidays. I'm looking forward to participating in interesting events to meet new people in one of the activities. I find Art spinning and Barista skill workshops interesting. It's like the Skills Future credit but it's only for singles. I can use the sparks credits to offset the workshops costs. If you love to cycle, there are many cycling activities too. 

Sadly for Barista skill workshop where you get to learn about coffee and coffee art, the maximum class size is only 4 people. 2 people from each gender. Anyway if I don't meet suitable guy, at least I learn something new about coffee. Think I better lose 7 kg before attending the workshop. 

To find out more, click here. It's a good platform to widen your social circle via your hobbies.

What is Sparks Connection?

Spark Connections is a year-long campaign which offers eligible individuals fun events and activities to add excitement in their lives, and pursue their hobbies and interests!

Eligible individuals can register here as Spark Connections members to receive $100 worth of free Spark Connections credits. These credits can be used to offset up to 50% of the featured events, workshops and services during Spark Connections. *Do note that it will take 5-7 working days for the approval of your account, so sign up early for an account before registering for the events!

My idols the Spice Girls!


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