Tulipmania 2021 at Flower Dome

I'm so happy that Tulipmania is back this year! Due to the pandemic last year,  Tulipmania was put on hold.  Today is the first day of Tulipmania theme at Flower dome. After work, I excitedly went to Gardens by the Bay, Flower dome to view the tulips. This year, the flower dome showcases the origin of the tulip as a wildflower in Central Asia at modern Kazakhstan. The tulips in flower dome are from New Zealand, where it is now spring season.

At the flower dome, you can also find beautiful vibrant red yurt where the nomadic tribes stay. 

You can go to Gardens by the Bay Facebook page to watch video on Tulipmania here.

From the Straits Times here

Gardens by the Bay chief executive Felix Loh said: "Our horticulturists have been working hard to bring this display to fruition with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

While most people look to Holland for its famous tulip fields, not many know that the plant originated in Central Asia.

"Tulips first appeared about 10 million years ago in the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains, on the territory of modern Kazakhstan," said Mr Arystanov.

In the 16th century, part of what is now Kazakhstan was conquered by the Ottoman Empire, which brought tulip bulbs back to Turkey where they were planted in the gardens of the powerful. Every year, when the tulips were in bloom, a big party was held by Sultan Suleyman the First.

Tulips became a symbol of power and wealth, and the Ottoman sultans wore a tulip on their turban. As the shape of tulips resembled the turban, the flower was named "tulipan", or turban in Persian.

Sultan Suleyman gave tulips to important guests, including the man who managed the gardens of the emperor of Austria and later became head of the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands. The country's first tulips were planted there and the Dutch popularised the cultivation of tulips in the 17th century.

"Tulips were scarce and expensive in a time dubbed as the 'tulip craze' or 'tulip mania'," said Mr Arystanov.

Amid the blooms at Gardens by the Bay is a yurt - the dwelling of Kazakh nomadic tribes in the steppes of Central Asia - handmade by Kazakh craftsmen using traditional techniques without the use of nails or screws.

The mobile home, which is designed to be transported by camels or horses, is on loan from the Kazakhstan Embassy.

The floral display also includes a bazaar that shows Kazakhstan's role as a trading hub along the Silk Route, as well as towers and gates inspired by Timurid dynasty architecture, featuring blue and turquoise geometric patterns.

I love these orange yellow hue tulips.

Took this overall view of the yurt at flower dome at the succulent area.

Near the entrance

As it is the first day of Tulipmania, not many tulip bulbs bloom yet. I will visit flower dome again next week.

I like this double petals Red princess tulips.

Kazakhstan is a beautiful country but with extreme temperature. In summer, temperature can go up to 40 degrees celsius and -40 degrees celsius in winter.


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