Georgette Chen At Home in The World Exhibition

I love the amazing oil paintings by Georgette Chen, an inspiring artist and educator who chose to retire in Singapore after living in many other cities like Shanghai, New York and Paris. 

I visited the exhibition this June with my friend who also enjoy appreciating arts. I hope there be more art exhibitions at National Gallery soon. 

From National Gallery Singapore

Georgette Chen (1906—1993) is a key figure in the development of modern art in Singapore, widely recognised for her achievements as an artist and contributions as an educator. Born in Zhejiang, China, Chen studied at art academies in Paris and New York, and exhibited her work in annual salon exhibitions as well as solo presentations in Paris, Shanghai, New York, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

Much of Chen’s life was marked by local and global conflicts including the Chinese Revolutions of 1911 and 1949, and World War I and II. Throughout these upheavals she strove to remain dedicated to her profession as an artist. In the post-war period, Chen relocated to Malaya, and settled in Singapore in 1953, where she made her name and living as a painter and teacher. Working for almost three decades at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, she was an active influence in the art community, serving as a mentor to and supporter of other artists.

This exhibition spans two galleries, and starts with Chen’s time in Malaya and Singapore, where she painted her most emblematic works. Declaring Malaya “a paradise for the artist,” Chen revelled in the beauty and variety of the region. The second part of the exhibition explores Chen’s early years, her academic training, and the increasing recognition she gained as a professional artist exhibiting her work around the world. A rare opportunity to encounter the range of Chen’s practice over five decades and three continents, this exhibition critically re-examines her unique contributions to the artistic landscape of her time.

Visit this website here
to explore her arts. You can't open the above link if you use Safari but you can explore using Chrome.
Lotus in a Breeze. I love this oil painting by Georgette Chen

Georgette Chen and her husband Mr Eugene Chen

Georgette Chen painting the lotus.
Beijing Forbidden Palace

I like the quiet ambiance at the National Gallery. 


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