My Thoughts on Singapore General Election 2020

In this general election, all 93 seats will be contested. Frankly speaking, many Tampines residents are in favour of current MPs as they have delivered their promise in developing Tampines Hub. The current deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat who led Tampines GRC team has done a great job and he made the effort to converse in both Mandarin and Teochew.
I still remember many years ago, when we were given a survey on what we would like to have in the new Tampines infrastructure (I have lived in Tampines for almost 4 decades),  I remember writing that I hope that there will be a big beautiful library where I can read all day and a badminton court.

The Tampines Hub has fulfilled all my wishes. There are many restaurants, a big beautiful library with indoor playground, supermarket, various sports facilities, outdoor and indoor movie theatre, hawker centre, and even Karaoke where I can sing late with my cousin or friend. Its a really convenient one-stop centre for Tampines residents. 

Frankly speaking, the opposition members only appear now during the general election and if they could suggest solutions on unemployment which is also happening around the world, solve the CECA agreement, then I will consider voting for them. 

Yesterday I was surprised that Workers' Party, the only credible experienced opposition party did not accept the media invitation to debate in Mandarin. To many Mandarin speaking residents like my father, they are very upset. Even though I'm educated in cosmopolitan westernised Singapore, I value our Chinese culture and language. We must not forget our roots, history and culture.  It is really disappointing that the Workers' Party did not make the effort to develop bilingual speakers in their party. Hello, most of us are educated in both Mother tongue and English language in schools and should be able to converse in both languages. It's a really terrible decision made by the Workers' party leader. 

For the current party, they should stop raising prices like bus fares, electricity and increase 10% GST after election, increase CPF minimum sum and retirement age. If they make it hard for Singaporeans to receive their CPF saving, many Singaporeans will be frustrated and perhaps migrate or just vote for the opposition out of anger. 

People Action Party (PAP) posters can be seen around Singapore streets.
PAP candidates for Tampines GRC. Till now, I haven't seen the opposition posters around. 


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