Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum

Last Saturday I finally went to Buddha Tooth Temple Relic at Singapore Chinatown . I went there for a Dharma talk. After the Dharma talk, I went to explore Buddha tooth relic which was a hotly debated topic regarding the authenticity of the tooth relic about 12 years ago. Singaporeans and local residents had donated more than 43 million dollars and 273 kg of gold to build the temple and the gold stupa for the tooth relic. Besides the tooth relic, I also went to explore the roof garden and other Buddha's relics at level 3 that look like beautiful crystals. 

Beautiful Buddhist relics also known as Sarira that look like pearl or crystal-like beads are commonly found in the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters. From Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum website here "Sariras, the Sanskrit name for relics, refers to the remains of a body part usually after cremation. In Buddhist context, sariras refers to the crystallization of solid remains of especially Buddha Sakyamuni after His cremation. Henceforth, relics are also broadly defined to include solid remains of other Buddhist practitioners, regardless of Sangha and secular disciples. The emergence of relics signifies that the spiritual energy of Buddha or the spiritual practitioner during their lifetime is constant and serene, untainted by nature’s forces yet elevated due to persevering religious practices. Hence, this energy is converted to physical forms to what we known as relics. Relics are the essence of wisdom, the fruit of spiritual labour, which are free of lust, greed and wrath."

Recently, my colleague shared with me his Buddhist friend who practised meditation was found to have sariras when his relatives collected his cremated ashes. 

Venerable Chao Khun Keng explained that mind is like a laser beam. Due to the purity of the mind, for some of the monks, their hair can turn to relics. Pure mind that doesn't have greed, hatred and delusion. The monks, when they meditate, they focus on the body. They use the mindfulness to scan the body. Due to the purity of the mind, the body can turn to relics. Due to the pure mind, the mind that does not have greed, hatred and delusion, it has the pure energy to channel into the body and clean up the body, it can also use pure energy to cure the sickness. In a way, meditation can enhance your health.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum 
Nearest MRT: Chinatown MRT
First posted on 5 June 2019
 Buddha Tooth Relic Temple is located in Chinatown. It is about 10 minutes walk from Chinatown MRT station.
At the main hall, the future Buddha,  Buddha Maitreya is seated between two Bodhisattvas
 Monks and lay Buddhist practitioners chanting at the main hall in the morning.
 At Level 3, you can explore the museum where you can find out more about the Buddha and his other relics in the relic chamber. No photography is allowed in the Relic Chamber and Buddha Tooth Relic museum.

At the roof garden. 

Sariras, relics
Chao Khun Keng explaining about relics 1:29.  The monks, when they meditate, they focus on the body.  The mind is like a laser beam They use the mindfulness to scan the body. Due to the purity of the mind, the body can turn to relics. Due to the pure mind, the mind that does not have greed, hatred and delusion, it has the pure energy to channel into the body and clean up the body, it can also use pure energy to cure the sickness. In a way, meditation can also enhance your health.


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