Street Arts in Singapore Chinatown

After hiking at Mount Faber yesterday, my buddy and I planned to visit the Buddha's Tooth Museum at Chinatown. Alas it was closed so we decided to explore Chinatown. We were 'lost' in the street but saw many beautiful street arts scattered in Chinatown street, once an enclave for Chinese migrants. We were delighted to explore the beautiful Chinatown which is really vibrant at night as people gather at the myriads pubs in the colourful and traditional shophouses. Maybe we be back again to also look at the mural near the new Shake Shack restaurant in Chinatown. 

This street art is located in Ann Siang Street.
You can find this street art near the Buddha's Tooth museum in Chinatown.
In dedication to my young cousin born in the year of Pig.
Interesting light art outside a fusion restaurant at Ann Siang Street.
Street Art behind Thian Hock Keng temple. This mural depicts the grand procession to welcome the Deity.


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